Article: Become a Bretonian - why subscribe?

Become a Bretonian - why subscribe?
1) CONVENIENCE: You no longer have to add Côtes de Provence rosé by Breton to your to do list
2) CHEAPER: Who wants to pay more when you can pay less? Choose between an extra 10% off per month, or 15% off every fortnight, on top of your initial 10% off sign up
3) FRENCH ROSE FROM PROVENCE RIGHT TO YOUR DOOR every month/ fortnight, just in time for chilling. Like it's your birthday, right?
4) NO CATCH: stop/ start/ change your subscription anytime. You're in the driving seat, but we'll take care of the admin. More time for a rosé wine cocktail
5) JOIN THE CLUB: be the first to get exclusive invites & new season previews, and be among like-minded individuals who share your love for the best French rosé
It just makes sense.
Rosé Mike (RM)